Our proven six-step strategic community engagement process is a customizable way to gain input from key stakeholders and impacted communities, to ultimately gain support, minimize community opposition or earn local and state approvals for your project or planned activity. We tailor the partnership around your specific project, opportunities and challenges, key players and permitting needs to create a multi-channel communications and community engagement plan — and then help you execute it to reach your goals.
We become an extension of your team, helping you build stronger relationships with communities where you’re doing business, earn project approval and meet business objectives. In fact, through our community engagement process, we helped a client secure unanimous conditional approval of an infrastructure project, after having the permit previously denied.
Our approach meets you where you’re at, so while we can help you with all six steps, we can also customize our approach to best support your specific needs.
Lead a discovery workshop and conduct market research to paint a holistic picture of the situation, challenges, key players, permitting process, etc.
Build a fact-based foundation for consistent storytelling and information-sharing around the project, by developing a narrative framework
Develop a strategic approach to community engagement tailored to project/company needs; potential tactics could include:
Activate against the community engagement approach to bring the strategy to life alongside relevant teams or third parties; this includes:
Monitor evolution of community sentiment against communication efforts via a CRM platform to:
Story tell communications and community engagement efforts designed for regulatory reporting and documentation, including permitting approval through:
Building Community Support for Utility Infrastructure
A Southern Colorado utility engaged Linhart PR to build support — and ultimately earn permit approval — for its proposed transmission line project, through increased community education and engagement, before beginning the permitting process.
Community Outreach Plan Educates and Engages Energy Project Stakeholders
A Colorado energy company sought Linhart PR’s support in positioning itself as a highly engaged and responsible operator that works collaboratively with local residents, stakeholders and organizations, as it planned projects and navigated the state and local permitting processes.